Monday, November 15, 2010

My phone jumped out from my pocket and fell in the commode! :(

My phone jumped from my back pocket into the commode, while I was getting up after finishing my job! I should not have kept it there. But I was in a hurry to leave for work, so didn't bother to remove the phone. I had never imagined that I would be actually doing something that I did today to save my old buddy! Putting my hand inside the dirty commode to save my phone from dying was something that I had never experienced or done before! But I guess it is always the first time! :(

Within seconds my phone was out of the commode and again under the tap. I had to clean it with clean water. I quickly removed the battery and took the nearby hand towel to clean the parts. (JD will surely freak out after reading this.)

To my panic, my mom in law entered the room while I was busy wiping the battery. I had to tell her what had just happened by keeping a few facts censored. But she was curious to know where it fell and how? Her expressions were worth a million dollars when I told her the award winning stunt that I had done! She screamed, "SHEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee..." I wanted to correct her by adding,"...not was just 'Pee'!" But I chose to remain silent.

I kept tapping my phone to remove the 'liquid', while I left for work. Tried to revive my phone by putting the battery back and started but hold lost its voice! I could not hear the dial tone or the radio or the ring. Gosh! I again removed the battery and took it to the repair wala. He assembled the phone and it refused to start.

Nahiiiiiiiiiiii...screamed my heart in agony. I kept starring at him with hope but that scum looked reluctant to help me. He said something that I didn’t understand but I understood that he couldn’t or didn’t want to repair it. I decided to do it myself. I removed the battery and sim from my phone and used the sanitizer to make sure that my phone was germ free. Thanks to my husband(JD) for keeping the sanitizer in my bag a week back. I left my phone for drying. After few hours, I gathered courage and reassembled my phone again and.....It CAME BACK TO LIFE! YEYYYYYYY...!! :D:D:D

Thursday, January 28, 2010

* HIC *

I was so bugged today that I made one more Appu...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Peace Vs Piece

Till now I was always under the impression that I have tremendous patience. I also assumed that I did not lose my temper easily. Ya, few episodes of irritation occure but that is all. But now it seems that someone(who so ever that is...God/Humans/Aliens/Supernatural Powers/My Fate/etc) has taken up this challenge to prove me make sure that I lose...that I accept that my assumptions were/are wrong...UGHHH...Yeh toh meri teesari aankh khulwake hi dum lega!

Life's full of ups and down....suna toh tha...dint know that there were twists and turns as well with the dead ends and sometimes a cross junction. I am so SICK and EXASPERATED of the things that are happening to me cause they just refuse to leave me alone. I WANT TO BE ALONE.....and at peace!!!

Come on Man! I cant be the chosen one, can I? Perhaps I am already! I am a person who always followed a simple policy of,'Live and Let Live!' but the stuff that revolves around me does the exact me! 'Hum toh jeeyenge bhaiiya... par tumko nahi jeene denge!" GRRRRRRRR......

I feel like holding a bat(not the flying mammal) in my hand and smashing everybody's butt who so ever comes in my way to messup with me. I know I sound violent and thats exactly NOT what I am but like I mentioned at the beginning, there is something who doesnot want me to be the way I am...Simple...Patient...and a Genuine Person!! Yes and said GENUINE!!!

So now what??? I dont know what to do? Should I surrender and say, "aao aur meri bajaake jaao" or should I rebel like I have always and achieved nothing" If Life's a test then I have done my PHD's...AB Bas... I dont want to give any more exams...and even if I am left with no choice then atleast let that test be of my stream. 'Hindi ki jagah Maths ka paper solve karna is a big time trauma!'

I dont feel like speaking with anyone right now and thats the reason I am writing my feelings out. My fingers are doing the talking. Its not that I will take out my anger on people but its just that I want to be alone. I dont want sympathies and allegations. I dont want to please or impress anyone. I dont want to adjust for anyone now. I dont want to be understanding anymore. I dont want to meet anyone. I feel like diving into a lake(...okay I am not thinking of commiting suicide!) Cmon!!! I am not a loser! I just need peace. Need to get into a different medium of life where I can hear noone..see noone...speak with noone...(temporarily)

I surely dont want to turn into a monk...never had any ferrari! Okay now thats a bad one!