Friday, September 25, 2009

My latest 'To Do List'

My latest To Do List:

1. Make Paper Flowers
2. Start Gardening. (What an irony)
3. Start making DIY things. (Like What???)
4. Start swimming again(Who's going to get up early in the morning!)
5. Start photography again
6. Visit Konkan and Goa (again)
7. Learn ink and brush paintings
8. Visit Greece
9. Bungee Jump
10.Make paintings for Mom and Grandpa
11. Recycle paper
12. Learn classical music

...and the list never ends...

Since last few days, I am getting these weird 'jhatkaas' (hit by a wave). I get these sudden bursts of energy to try out so many vague things at one go. At one moment I feel like having a kitchen garden and when I actually start planting seeds, I am again hit by another wave of inspiration of making paper flowers!

Yesterday I wanted to visit Konkan for photography(which I stopped doing due to my work load...actually I got sick of it.) Then I thought of buying a new DSLR since my SONY doesnt give me desired results all the time. I started to surf the net for Canon 1000D(Suggested by my best friend) The camera looked decent and Swoosh....I was again hit by this wave of making pizza dough at home. I tired making it twice and both times I ended up making a white hard rock!

Few days back, I got a jhatka of following Baba Ramdev's yoga techniques for weight loss and in the evening I managed to finish a medium size cheese burst pizza all by myself.

Last night I couldn't sleep. I was so bugged that I started playing Mario on my pc. I had almost finished the level and then....I felt like playing CONTRA! So I killed myself purposely(In mario offcourse) and started playing Contra. When my soldier died, I stopped the game and started playing Mario again and then again started playing Contra. This must have happened 4 times. I realised that I had gone insane. So I switched off my PC and went off to sleep.

Few days back, I told my uncle that I will be coming with him to the swimming pool at 6 in the morning. The previous night I kept my costume and cap ready. Set the alarm of 5.30am. The next morning I wokeup on my own at 5 am. Got up, washed my face. Got ready and then called him to tell him that I dont feel like coming.

Something tells me that this is not normal. Perhaps it is normal and I am experiencing this for the first time. Actually I dont know...

Right now I got this Jhatakaa of writing this post so before I could get another one, I sat down to write and managed to finish it but my jhatkaas wouldnot stop, I am sure.

My latest jhatka is to make a stop motion animated video, after looking at my friend's video. :0