Wednesday, January 28, 2009

India is MY Country!

Movie theatres play National Anthem before showing the movie and people feel awkward and shy to stand and sing.Then comes 26th Jan and 15th Aug and we change our ringtone/caller tunes from the latest songs to some patriotic song...Listen to patriotic songs and sing 'desh bhakt' flags and say..."We are proud to be Indians!"
The next day...the flag which was pampered so much the previous day, lies in a deadly condition on the footpath. People come and go. They see the flag but no one picks it up and takes it along. Our ring tones change as soon as the Great Patriotic day is over.

We again start criticizing our country about lack of opportunities here and dream about our studies/jobs/settling down in abroad. All we do is boast about the economic conditions of India. WHAT ELSE? The city is cleaned few days before the common Wealth...and then? Life comes back to normal...bad roads...powercuts...dirty politics...Anyway...
When it comes to us...Well what are we doing for the country? Okay, we need not join the politics to improve the conditions/bank balance.

- We buy and throw the packet on the road even if the dustbins are available. If a person misses the aim, he leaves the packet the way it is,instead of picking it again and throwing it properly. If you cant find a dustbin, keep it with u in your bag...go home and throw it. SIMPLE! I do that! Keeping a wrapper wont add kilos in our bag.

- We open the taps and dont close them. Misuse public property. Check out the buses. Do you spit on the walls of your house?

- College students feel bugged to get up and go to college for the flag hoisting. It happened in my college on 26th Jan. What a shame!

- We dont follow traffic rules. "sab karte hai yaar..." is our patented dialogue.
Still we say...."I am proud to be an Indian." Well are my dear but India surely isnt proud of you.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blunders Love Me!

Blunders love me and I love them too and thats why we both share a special relationship called,'Haadsa'.(Means Blunder in Hindi) Blunders have been in my life since I were a kid. Its been always a part of my life and with time our relationship has gone better. Infact getting thicker day by day. So much so,when my friend gets bored, she loves to hear about the latest haadsa in my life. I am a great source of entertainment for my friend as its her favourite pass time and a stress booster.
If I start scribbling down my haadsas then I am sure, I will end up writing a 'Puraan'. People are material centered, self centered....I am haadsa centered! And my haadsas also include weird accidents.
I remember slipping from my college staircase for no reason. And when I started to get up, I slipped again and fell. If someone is not aware of how mixed emotions are, then I am the perfect example.I know what mixed emotions are and I have experienced them many times.When I fell from the staircase, it didnt know whether to laugh at what just happened or cry cause I was in tremendous pain.
Has someone ever heard about a person punching him/herself unknowingly? Maybe now you know...Its me! I punched myself once unknowingly,while laughing at my friend's joke and guess what? My nose started to bleed. How can such things ever happen? To a separate issue!
These can be labelled as silly accidents. Major haadsas started to happen after the above mentioned signs.
Once I was suppose to submit my assignment in college and when I opened my bag to take it out, I saw water all over it. Damn...My water bottle leaked! So had to make it again which sir did not approve. So he told me to make it again the 3rd time...which I didnot like. So I made it for the 4th time which was appreciated (finally...thank gwaad...hooosshh) in my jury but they gave me a C grade later. Haaaww...and then n my next jury, we had this group assignment of photography in which i clicked all the pictures. They turned out to be pretty good. To save the soul of my friend, I also let her cheat from my theory paper. And few days back when I saw the grades, i almost died of shock..."ek aur haadsa...usse A grade aur mujhe B+..." HEEHAWHAW...I was hyseterical!
When professors dont check their mails, students get a D in their internals and thats what happened. I mailed him(my computer guru) my assignment days before my jury and earned a D. Someone should start taking my candid pics when these haadsas occur. I wonder how i look with shocked expressions!
I have suddenly started to feel that I am revealing my I should stop mentioning my grade haadsas. Faaltu mein izzjat ka faaluda...